Well it would be odd that am talking abt these but i found out it was not an opinion but rather reason why things are like these - here it is
1) Lust, sex, pleasure, enjoyment, desires and sensations the first and foremost reason for the worlds' half the behavior. [The only reason for the living things that dont have the second factor!]. Well either u buy it or gulp it primary reason for living thing was to reproduce and bring up their species. Most of the creature mark their territory The dominant male form letting other male to enter (mammals like lion,tiger,ape,dog and also hen,etc...)- thats the pleasure they get outta their life. People too their behavior changes by the presence of opposite sex. We are asked to study the gender communication style. (NATURE)
2) Money - everybody understands this Well some cases this buys the previous pleasures too. Communism and capitalism revolves around this! World is rated by its monetary terms. nations people organisations all fall prey to it. Reason for advancement to show cast their strength in monetary terms. well get this Recent war are being fought in monetary terms! globalisation, FDI, capital flow, banks - these are the new tools to capture the country after all It was british east india company that ruled us once.
Indians the good point why India is different form any other world is this monetary - here laws mean nothing and what ever we are growing is after all these hurdles that we face up overcoming this - there is no step path of progress but just Quasi static progress that is stable at every individual point - no global economy crunch, no world war (unless at India being bombed), no turmoil (even natures vengeance) can affect this stability. every time being the worst loser GERMANY could still stay ahead of all as its source was not affected. japan did it became second biggest economy (fell in this recession) just by determination. but does not need any of these. Once it achieves its height there is no looking back from it!